
It is really cracking me up to see all the Halloween reels and threads out there. I kinda wonder if Home Goods is behind it all! Not going to complain though when I can lean into my brand and find some fun things! 

Let me introduce myself. My name is Chris and I have been a maker and thrifter my whole life. Yep, even as a kid my folks had me tagging along to antique shops and flea markets. My parents bought an abandonded farm and farm house when I was a toddler and my first memories were of exploring all of these incredible parts of my house and land while they lovingly brought it back to life and made it our home.

In college second hand shopping and making things were just part of who I was. Over the years that has stayed with my hobby side businesses as well. I started with a focus on gifts and toys surrounding empowered pregnancy, birth, natural material toys. This evolved to encorporate a love of wool, knitting and crochet.

But thrifting, second-hand shopping, and treasure hunting were always there. Let's be honest though, hoarding is not one avenue I want to walk down so Flip Witch was created as a means to let me share the treasures I find with others. I get to thrift, you get the treasure!

So welcome to my witchy spot. Be sure to see the link for all the spots to find me. At the moment I do not have a brick and morter spot. Locally I use Facebook Marketplace. I flip most of my purse, bag, some clothing, and some unique shippable items on Poshmark. 

I will occasionally do pop-ups to move through some inventory and am welcome to schedule some personal appointments to view the broom closet of treasures. 

Reach out and let me know if you would like me to be on the hunt for a particular item.

Thanks for joining me and making some thrifting magic happen!
