birds of a feather

Be sure to follow along on Instagram for my occasional #sundayontheshelf features! This past Sunday I featured swans! I am not sure if this is a long standing trend of not, but I took a chance on a pink swan towel/soap holder earlier this summer and sold it the same day it was listed. A few weeks later two I came across two more pink swans and they sold super fast.

When I was visting my son in Chicago, a pretty hip coffee shop had a swan on display. Hmm that is when I began to wonder if there was a trend happening. A few weeks ago I decided to hunt some more down and test the theory.

These are some of the ones I left behind at the antique shops. Seriously though, that pink one. Too expensive to flip but she is a beauty!

These are some of the ones that have sold in my #facebookmarketplace shop and or are still available. A few nibbles but not flying off the shelf! Either way, they would be a special vintage wedding gift for any of those fall weddings; you know they mate for life right!

Oh and in case you were wondering the large painted wood one is living with me for a while- like I can resist that beautiful boho hand painted design. Wait is it a swan or a goose???
