thrifting, flipping, gifting

Time to update on some of the thrifting, flipping and gifting highlights from the holidays. I am a maker at heart no matter what my side hobby biz is, so it is no surprise that I brought some vintage elements into the homemade gifts this year.

It is snowing here today in the Midwest so I thought I would highlight these chocolate spoons that are designed to added some mocha love to your hot cup of coffee or cocoa. I started by sourcing some beautiful vintage spoons. I found these at an antique mall fairly tarnished. I used the trick of lining a bowl with alumninum foil and added hot water and baking soda. Science! It worked great- see the before and after look.

I then gathered my supplies; some Ghiradelli dark melting chocolate and some white chocolate. I followed the suggestion of adding the chocolate just into the spoon and not dipping the whole spoon to keep a little neater. I used a little creamer to hold the melted chocolate and poured into the spoons and then my son helped add lines of white to each one and we just drew a tooth pick thru for marble affect. We added just a couple sprinkles and then let them set up.

If you rest the edge of your spoon on a baking tray it holds it up beautifully. After they were set, I added some snowflake marshmallows and wrapped them up with a tag I made on Canva. You could add a mini bottle of Baileys for an extra adult treat!

These would be a sweet treat for the upcoming Valentines with some handmade marshmallows.

They were super fun to make and a way to gift beautiful vintage silver spoons!
