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cats and dogs

If you watch my last video chat on Facebook you saw me talk about upcyling and painting ceramics! I wanted to share with you the before and after pictures of the dogs/shoes that I featured in the video.  Before After Big difference right! As I mentioned in the video, I picked up this pair of filthy dogs on boots. I am guessing they were toothpick holds since they seemed to be covered in kitchen grease because once I washed them in dawn the dogs were actually all white! I painted with a metallic black, added a match strike sticker and paired it up with a candle. There is still one left in my local FB marketplace shop for any locals! I just love the monocolor look to the spray painted pieces. Ironically I walked by this fella in the store the other day- on trend my friends! So if you also watched the video you saw me share my newly acquired vintage ceramic cat that I am going to turn into my shop mascot! Yes I am going to paint her black except for her eyes. I did practice on that ne...

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